by Marlene Engel
Twenty books into the Fools Gold series and the
stories just keep getting better and better!
Mallery brings us back to the small town that we’ve fallen in love
with. But this story is a bit different
from the previous ones. The focus is
more on friendship than relationship. We
are given an honest view of both the male and female perspectives as each delve
into gender specific events. In learning
about activities that are geared more to the opposite sex, they not only get a
better understanding of that gender, but of each other as well.
I enjoyed having characters from previous books
make appearances. The author seamlessly incorporates
them into the story, while still allowing the main hero and heroine to shine. How she’s able to do this, and so well,
twenty books in is a testament to her impeccable writing skills! But it also had me thinking … with all of the
catching up she did with the previous characters, will this be the last book in
the series? And should we expect a new
series from her in the near future?
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the Author:
Susan Mallery is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of
books about the relationships that define women's lives--romance, friendship,
family. With compassion and humor, Susan keenly observes how people think and
feel, in stories that take readers on an emotional journey. Sometimes
heartbreaking, often funny, and always uplifting, Susan's books have spent more
than 200 weeks on the USA Today bestsellers list, thanks to her ever growing
legions of fans.
Susan lives in Seattle with her husband, two ragdoll cats, and a tattletale toy poodle. Her heart for animals has led Susan to become an active supporter of the Seattle Humane Society. Animals play a big role in her books, as well, as she believes they're an integral component to a happy life.
Susan lives in Seattle with her husband, two ragdoll cats, and a tattletale toy poodle. Her heart for animals has led Susan to become an active supporter of the Seattle Humane Society. Animals play a big role in her books, as well, as she believes they're an integral component to a happy life.
Connect with the author at:
HQN Books is giving one lucky winner a
print copy of
Best of My Love by Susan Mallery
Sounds like a great read. I love Susan's books.