Saturday, July 13, 2013

Book Review: The Witch of Little Italy by Suzanne Palmieri

Eleanor Amore is struggling with an abusive relationship, a mother who seems to lack the nurturing gene and the inability to remember the summer when she was ten years old.  When she finds herself pregnant, she decides to return to the place that she feels the most safe.  The most belonged.  She goes back to 1313 170th Street in the Bronx.  Back to where she spent a summer alone with her great aunts, grandmother and great uncle.  Although she didn’t let her family know she was planning on returning, they already knew.  All of the Amore siblings had varying degrees of The Sight.  But why does everyone remember that summer besides Eleanor?  And why, now that she’s back in her family home, is she getting flashes of memories from the past?  With each flash she gets, Eleanor becomes more and more determined to recapture the memories of her past and reveal the secrets of the day the Amore’s died.  What was once eight Amore children, now only three remained.  Each of them carrying the burden of “that day”.  In order to move forward with her life, Eleanor knows that she needs to know what happened in the past.  But will the truth be helpful or hurtful to the Amore Family?  And will Eleanor be able to handle the truth?

The Witch of Little Italy was a magical book.  I had a hard time putting it down.  From beginning to end I was captivated by the Amore family, their secrets and the ties that bind them.  The characters and story were so well written.  It was hard to believe that this was the author’s debut novel.  You will fall in love with the Amore Family and the gift of The Sight that they share. 

I really enjoyed reading this book.  It was so enchanting and moving.  This is a great book for anyone looking to get caught up in the magic and love of a family.  I would definitely recommend this book to others.  It would be the perfect book club choice as the discussions for this book would be endless.  I give this book 4.5 magical stars!


  1. What a clever plot! Family secrets can be the most shocking and surprising one can find anywhere. You can’t make this stuff up. :-) I’m looking forward to reading this book and discover the magic for myself. Thanks for sharing your interesting review.

    1. You'll have to let me know what you think of the book after you read it :)

  2. Thank you so much for this lovely review! I'm delighted! XO Suzanne (Thelostwitch)
