Wednesday, June 3, 2015

12 Things About Emily Liebert & A Giveaway

On the surface, Sloane has the perfect life—an adoring husband, a precocious daughter, and enough financial security to be a stay-at-home mom. Still, she can’t help but feel as though something—or someone—is missing....

Hillary has a successful career and a solid marriage. The only problem is her inability to conceive. And there’s a very specific reason why....

As the wild-child daughter of old family money, Georgina has never had to accept responsibility for anything. So when she realizes an unexpected life change could tie her down forever, she does exactly what she’s always done: escape.

When these three women unite for a three-week-long summer vacation in beautiful Lake George, New York, even with the idyllic location as their backdrop, the tensions begin to mount. And they quickly discover that no secret can be kept forever....

Purchase the book at:

“12 Things About Emily Liebert”

1. I detest being bored. It makes me anxious. Like there’s something I should be doing.

2. I taught myself how to cook by watching Food Network. Prior to that my claim to fame was that I could mix two cereals expertly. I enthusiastically recommend combining Frosted Flakes and Cocoa Pebbles.
3. I get C-R-A-N-K-Y when I’m hungry. Ask my husband. 

4.  I wish I were three inches taller, without heels.

5. I never drink coffee. Only because I hate the taste. Though I do love coffee ice cream. Go figure.

6.  My favorite color is purple. Growing I up, I had an entirely purple room.

7. I eat a toasted sesame bagel with vegetable cream cheese every morning. No matter where I am.

8. I have an A+++++++++ Type personality. So much so that I'm thinking I should have put at least two more plus signs. Or three.

9. My favorite book is Charlotte's Web. The love between Charlotte and Wilbur is everything. 

10. I’m an adoptive mother to our amazing five year old son. After we adopted Jaxsyn, I got pregnant one week later. One. Week. Later. We now have two sons who are 9-1/2 months apart.

11. I teach Pure Barre classes in my spare time (what spare time!!?). It’s a mixture of Pilates, Yoga, and ballet. I assure you, I never thought I’d speak the words, “I’m a fitness professional.”

12. I just turned 39 and I can still do a perfect cartwheel. And a killer split (on both sides).

About the Author:
Emily Liebert was born and raised in New York City, attended the Horace Mann School and Smith College, where she graduated with a B.A. in English Language & Literature.

When Emily’s not writing, she teaches Pure Barre classes and enjoys traveling, cooking, and cozying up with a good book. She’s been known to ride on a Harley Davidson. And she does a mean Running Man on the dance floor. Emily lives with her husband, Lewis, and their two delicious little boys, Jax and Hugo, in Westport, CT where she moved kicking and screaming for fear that there would be no Chinese food delivery at three in the morning. She was right.

Connect with the author at:

NAL is giving one lucky winner a print copy of
Those Secrets We Keep
US/Canada Only


  1. This book is on my must read list

  2. Great post! I had no idea you adopted one of your kids. So wonderful.
    We're the same age too. :) I can't do any gymnastics though...

  3. Love the gymnastics comment Melissa!!

  4. My five year old is adopted as well. What a blessing!

    Thank you for stopping by Book Mama today. I loved doing the 12 Things ... with you. Awesome answers.

  5. Great 12 things. I have this book on my to-read list.

  6. I want to read this! I also get cranky when hungry. I need to eat regularly or else I get pissy.
