Wednesday, May 13, 2015

French Fry - 12 Things About Glynis & A Giveaway

Sydney Durand had finally achieved the perfect life she had always wanted. After a whirlwind romance with a charming Frenchman, she endured the three weddings it required to satisfy the members of the newly formed Bennett-Durand clan. All she had left to do was stroll into the sunset with Louis to enjoy their long-awaited happily ever after.

But everything changed when the stick turned blue. Suddenly, Sydney finds herself facing the daunting task of becoming a mother before she has even returned home from her honeymoon. Keeping a tenacious hold on her hard-won happiness, Sydney is determined not to give up without a fight – no matter what or who is thrown in her path…and that includes an overbearing mother-in-law, a know-it-all father and her own anxiety about having a baby.

Will she finally be able to tame her neuroses for the sake of her unborn child? Or will her hormone-induced panic cause a meltdown of epic proportions? One thing is clear: Sydney and Louis’ nerves are going to fry…

Purchase the book at:

“Twelve Things about Glynis”

1.    I cannot formulate a thought until I have my morning coffee. I was raised by tea drinkers, but I have somehow developed full-blown coffee dependence. I LOVE coffee. Especially the flavored variety. I highly recommend Donut House’s Chocolate Glazed Donut! It’s almost as good as an actual doughnut. (Who am I kidding?)

2.    My middle name is Marit. Growing up with the first name Glynis in a world filled with Amys, Jennifers and Melissas wasn’t easy, but having such a unique middle name made things much worse. (The nicknames were brutal!)

3.    I must eat chocolate once a day. If I don’t, I feel like something is missing.

4.    I never imagined I would become a writer. I planned to become the Vice President of a Human Resources Department in a large corporation. Somehow, my path changed!

5.    My cat, Tyler, sits in my lap while I write. It’s much harder to reach the keys with a furry visitor in the way, and my arm sometimes falls asleep when she leans her head on it, but her presence is very comforting. Sometimes our other cat, Storm, joins in for an added challenge!

6.    I hate exercising. I force myself to go to the gym, since a) doing cardio gives me time to read, b) my mind feels much clearer if I put in my requisite four visits to the gym per week and most importantly, c) exercising allows me to counteract my overwhelming addiction to baked goods.

7.    I would live at the beach if I could. Nothing makes me happier than spending the day in the sunshine with my toes in the sand and my eyes taking in the sparkling water. My family, however, doesn’t agree with this idea, so we live in the New York City area. Brrrr.

8.    I have a small Yoda obsession. My knowledge of the Star Wars franchise is passable (nowhere near my son’s level of expertise), but I just love the little green guy. He is wise, patient, insightful and awesome! In short, he makes me happy.

9.    I’m a total TV junkie. Sure, I love to read books, but I spend WAY too much time on Hulu and Netflix. (Jayne the Virgin, Grey’s Anatomy, Scrubs…the list is long.) Perhaps I need to rethink my priorities?

10.I could live on fondue. (Cheese AND chocolate, of course.) I curb my desire as much as possible, since too many dips in the pot will only lead to more exercise.

11.I lack any sort of video game prowess. I’m an extreme disappointment to my sons in this capacity. 

12.I have mad cake decorating skills. Who knows? Maybe I have a future career in a bakery!

About the Author:
Glynis never expected in her wildest dreams to be a writer. After thirteen years in the Human Resources Industry, she decided to stay at home with her two amazing sons. Ever in search of a project, she was inspired to write the story of how she met and married her wonderfully romantic French husband, Sebastien, in six short months. The end result became her first novel, French Twist. As this was just the beginning of their epic love story, Glynis continued to chronicle their adventures in the sequel, French Toast and the final installment in the series, French Fry.

When Glynis is not writing, she is trying to keep the peace amongst the three men and two cats in her life, finding missing body parts (Lego pieces are small!), supervising a myriad of homework assignments and keeping a tenuous hold on her sanity by consuming whatever chocolate is in the vicinity.

Connect with the author at:

Grand Prize: 
$25 amazon gift card & ebook set of the French Twist series
Two 2nd Prizes: 
e-book sets of the French Twist series.
US Only