Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Pretty Much Screwed - 12 Things About Jenna & A Giveaway

Known for her “hilarious and spot-on”* memoirs I’ve Still Got It…I Just Can’t Remember Where I Put It and If It Was Easy, They’d Call the Whole Damn Thing a Honeymoon, Jenna McCarthy turns her comedic talents to fiction with a novel about picking yourself up out of the gutter when life kicks you to the curb…

“I don’t love you anymore.”

For Charlotte Crawford, the worst part about being dumped after twenty years of marriage is that her husband, Jack, doesn’t want another woman; he just doesn’t want her.

Forty-two and clueless, Charlotte is a fish out of water in a dating pool teeming with losers. Just when she thinks she’s finally put her failed marriage behind her, it comes back to bite her in the ass…hard. Without warning, Charlotte finds herself staring down the barrel of a future she wouldn’t (she would totally) wish on her worst enemy.

Engaging, fearless, and relentlessly funny, Pretty Much Screwed is a story of love, loss, friendship, forgiveness, turtledoves, taxidermy, and one hilariously ill-placed tick.

Purchase the book at:

“12 Things About Jenna McCarthy”

1.    In a long-ago life, I was an FM radio DJ. The highlight of that career was probably the time I pumped breast milk on the air. That or having my giant face plastered across the backs of buses all over town. You can choose for me.

2.    If someone is going to get hurt doing something, it will be me. My husband calls me Grace because of this. 

3.    I have three tattoos: a dolphin on my ankle that I got in Amsterdam when I was 20, before tattoos were even really a thing unless you were in a motorcycle gang; a sun on my hip bone that I got with my dad when I came back from Amsterdam and he was pissed that “his daughter got a tattoo before he did” (he got an anchor on his arm); and an anchor on my foot, because he died way too young and I miss him all day every day so it makes me happy.

4.    I have to walk on the left side of people. This doesn’t seem to bother anyone I know except my husband. Go figure.

5.    My guilty pleasure is America’s Funniest Videos. There, I said it.

6.    I can recite, flawlessly and on command, the Pythagorean Theorem, the Letter of Paul to the Philippians I delivered on parent’s day in third grade, the complete list of English prepositions in alphabetical order (aboard, about, above, across, after, against, along, amid, among…) and the entire “is this a dagger which I see before me” soliloquy I memorized in high school. Ironically, I can never, ever find my phone, my keys or my car in the parking lot at Trader Joe’s.

7.    I am destined to become a crazy old cat lady. 

8.    I went on a few dates with the guy who played Skippy on Family Ties. When he left town, I gave him my favorite FSU sweatshirt. I’m positive he still has it.

9.    I hate Halloween but I love costume parties.

10.I drink coffee through a straw, and no, it’s not because I’m concerned about white teeth. (Not that I’m not concerned about them; that’s just not why I drink coffee through a straw. I have no idea why I do it, in fact. I’m sure therapy could shed some light on this.)

11.My husband and I bought and renovated a house and the whole thing was documented on TV. That was in 2006 and the damned show still airs with unsettling frequency.

12.If I wasn’t a writer, I’d be a professional organizer or an interior decorator. Or a mermaid.

Author bio:
Jenna McCarthy is the internationally published writer of I’ve Still Got It…I Just Can’t Remember Where I Put ItIf It Was Easy, They'd Call the Whole Damn Thing a Honeymoon, and The Parent Trip, former radio personality, and recovering leopard-print addict. She lives in Santa Barbara, California, with her husband, two daughters, and lots of dog and cat hair.

Connect with the author at:

Berkley is giving one lucky winner a print copy of
Pretty Much Screwed by Jenna McCarthy
US Only