Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Skinny Bitch in Love - Review & Giveaway

Review by Marlene Engel

Clementine Cooper has busted her tail climbing up the ranks in the vegan culinary world from chopping vegetables to her current position as Sous Chef at the hottest vegan restaurant in Santa Monica, Fresh.  But her chance to really show off her skills happened when she was to prepare a dish for one of the Los Angeles Times food critics.  Had it not been for someone sabotaging her dish with butter, she would probably still have her job and not have been blacklisted from all of the other vegan restaurants in the area. 
Determined to prove that you can’t keep a good woman down, Clementine starts her own business, The Skinny Bitch Cooking School, in hopes of making enough money to open her own vegan café across the street from her apartment.  But during her first cooking class, a disturbance outside quickly dampers any hopes of that happening.  As she watches a huge 3D steer’s head being erected on what should’ve been HER restaurant’s building, she realizes she not only lost out on the building, but now will have to stare at an image of a dead steer’s head whenever she looks out her window … the soon to be location for The Silver Steer restaurant.

As luck would have it, the meat loving owner of The Silver Steer happens to not only be wildly handsome, but Clementine can’t seem to control her desire to be near him.  But what could vegan, Clementine Cooper, possibly have in common with carnivore, Zach Jeffries?  She’s not quite sure of the answer, but something in her is curious to find out!

Everyone has heard of the Skinny Bitch books.  Heck, even my husband has read the men’s version, Skinny Bastard!  When I found out that one of the authors, Kim Barnouin, was putting out a novel based on her vegan lifestyle and relating to her bestselling Skinny Bitch books, I knew that I had to check it out.  

Let me start with saying that I’m not vegan (or vegetarian for that matter).  However, you don’t have to be to enjoy this book.  I love her style of writing and how she incorporated her passion for veganism into her first novel.  After reading about how you can turn a dish that typically has animal products into one that doesn’t, has me wanting to taste some of these dishes for myself!  Kudos to Ms. Barnouin on her first novel and stay tuned for my review of her second novel, Skinny Bitch Gets Hitched, coming really soon!  And, expect an awesome giveaway for that review post as well!

Purchase the book at:

About the Author:
Kimberly Ann Barnouin was born on February 27, 1969. Yes, she has included her year of birth, she's in her 40's and proud of it. She was born in Rhode Island but grew up in Maryland. Both states were way too cold for Kim so she moved to Miami Beach in her mid 20's to thaw out. She now resides in Southern California with her hot French husband and their 4 year old son Jack.

She is the co-author of the New York Times Bestseller Skinny Bitch, and Skinny Bitch in the Kitch, as well as Skinny Bitchin, Skinny Bitch Bun in the Oven, and Skinny Bastard. She released her first solo book Skinny Bitch Ultimate Everyday Cookbook in October of 2010.

She is the founder of her website www.healthybitchdaily.com, a fun and informative green living guide for women.

Connect with the author at:

Kim is giving 1 lucky winner a signed copy of
Skinny Bitch in Love!

a Rafflecopter giveaway