Thursday, August 21, 2014

Bring on the Heat - Excerpt & Giveaway

Bring On the Heat
The Boys of Summer # 1
By: Katie Rose
Releasing August 26th, 2014

In Katie Rose’s irresistible battle of wits, a case of mistaken identity lands a female fan in bed with a sexy superstar—and in major-league trouble.

House-sitting for a rich and famous friend has its perks, and Darcy Hamel isn’t shy about enjoying them. Especially when it means scoring a ticket to an exclusive fashion show hosted by the New Jersey Sonics. An avid baseball fan, Darcy has always dreamed of meeting the team—especially the starting pitcher whose body is as hot as his fastball. But there’s a catch. The gala is by invitation only. To get behind the velvet rope, mild-mannered Darcy will have to pose as party girl Lydia Logan.

Schmoozing is one of the downsides of fame, but Chase Westbrook knows how to liven up even the dullest event. And nothing spices a night up more than a beautiful socialite with a naughty reputation. What Chase doesn’t expect is a hint of sweetness beneath her sultry façade. Flirtation turns to seduction and leaves him aching for more. Chase just doesn’t know who the real Lydia is: the spoiled tease crying foul over some missing diamonds or the alluring woman making a play for his heart.

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Descending the steps, Darcy made her way to the enormous kitchen. There was a French press on the granite counter and coffee in the custom-designed cupboard. She filled the kettle and put it on the stove to boil. The coffee, specially selected just for Lydia from a local shop, smelled heavenly as Darcy scooped three heaping spoons into the pot and then filled it with the hot water. While the brew steeped, she fished through her purse for the little tin of aspirin she kept just for emergencies like this.
Thankfully, she didn’t have to remind Lydia of the time again. The young socialite descended a few minutes later and gratefully accepted the steaming cup and the pills Darcy handed her.
“Thank God you came early.”
“I thought I might be needed,” Darcy said with a grin. “I also called James before leaving my house. I assume you don’t want to leave the Porsche at the airport?”
“Hell no!” Lydia cringed as she scalded her tongue on the coffee, downing the aspirin in one gulp. “I just had the damned thing detailed.” Glancing impatiently at her watch, she nodded when she heard a car arrive. “Right on time. I mean it, Darce. You are a godsend.”
“Where are you headed?”
“Dubai.” Lydia shrugged, her mouth curving into something resembling a smile now that the coffee was beginning to take effect. “I met a Saudi prince last year at the Driscolls’ party in Paris. Let me tell you, the guy was hot. He offered to take me out on his yacht. I thought it might be fun.”
“I bet.” Darcy couldn’t even imagine. “How long will you be gone?”
“Don’t know.” Lydia indicated the mail lying on the kitchen counter. “Can you make sure the bills get paid? Just use my credit card like last time. Also, if my granddad calls, don’t tell him where I am. The old man gave me hell last week and threatened to cut me off if I don’t start behaving. Can you imagine?”
“No,” she had to laugh.
“I try to stay the hell away from the press so he doesn’t hear a lot of gossip. My grandfather seems to think because he had to bust his hump selling potato chips to make the family fortune, everyone else should too. I mean, why? If I’m an heiress to a fortune, what does he expect me to do? Wait on tables, for God’s sake?”
“Maybe he’s just worried about you. Didn’t he have to bail you out when your last boyfriend tried to smuggle pot out of Thailand in your bag?”
“Big deal.” Lydia waved her hand in dismissal. “It took all of a phone call from him and we were free. That and a little money. Cash is, after all, the international language everyone understands.” She batted her eyes as Darcy laughed.
The horn beeped and Lydia refilled her cup and then grabbed her bag. “Gotta go.” She started for the door as the horn sounded again. “I’m coming! Oh, I meant to tell you.” She glanced up as one slender hip shoved the door open. “There should be an invite to a charity thing somewhere in that mess. You know, for that baseball team you’re always talking about?”
“The Sonics?” Darcy gave Lydia her full attention.
“Yes. You’re welcome to go if you want. It’s some black-tie event. It’s pretty exclusive.”
“What does that mean?”
“You have to have an invite to get in. I think they sent this one because my grandfather donates to their charity.”
“But I can’t go to that!” Darcy was astonished. “The invitation was meant for you!”
“Don’t worry—I get these things all the time and never go.” She waved her hand breezily. “They will never know the difference.”
“But . . .” Darcy stammered. “I don’t have anything to wear . . .”
Her employer’s eyes flickered impatiently over her. “Borrow something of mine, for God’s sake. Just get it cleaned when you’re done.”
Then she gave her a second glance, amusement now twinkling in her gaze. “You might also want to check into the salon and let them do something with that hair.”
Self-consciously, Darcy fingered her dirty-blond, shoulder-length tresses.
“I think I have an appointment set up in a couple of days, right?” Lydia continued. “You go instead.”
She handed the bag to her driver, and then turned back to the house sitter with a grin. “’Bye!” Hefting her coffee cup, she climbed into the BMW that was waiting at the curb and the car sped off.
Darcy felt like a cyclone had just left town. Breathing a sigh of relief, she poured a cup of coffee for herself and began sorting the mail. Bills she put into one pile, magazines in another, the cards and invitations into a third, until . . .
She stopped when she saw the elegant embossed envelope.
It was from the Wives of the New Jersey Sonics. Trembling with excitement, Darcy ripped open the creamy linen paper. Sure enough, it was an invitation to an exclusive cocktail party and fashion show.
“Our annual event will benefit the children who go to Camden Elementary School. This year we will provide state-of-the-art computer equipment, tablets, and Internet access. The event will feature jewelry exclusively designed by Sasha Primak, and the opportunity to meet the Sonics . . .”
It was the last part that froze her into place. She could actually meet the team? Not just watch them from the stands as she did every chance she got, not just cheer them on in her humble living room when they won or cry with them when they lost, but actually see them, speak to them, maybe even shake their hands live and in person?

About the Author:
Award-winning historical author Katie Rose makes her contemporary debut with the Boys of Summer novels, Bring on the Heat and Too Hot to Handle, which combine Katie’s true loves: baseball and romance! When not watching baseball, Katie is at her lake house in New Jersey, hard at work on her next book.

Connect with the author at:

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