year old, Mimi Finnegan is the third of four daughters and in her eyes, by far,
the most unremarkable. She has no singular accomplishment that can stand up to
any of her sisters. And if that isn’t enough, she is the only single sibling in
her family.
sisters decide that it’s time she gets serious about husband hunting, so they
begin a campaign to find Mr. Right for her. Considering her most recent dating
encounters include a night club owner who stuffs bratwurst in his pants and a
WASPy trust fund baby, living happily under his mother’s thumb, Mimi is more
than ready to meet THE ONE. Enter celebrated British novelist Elliot Fielding.
tension and anger heat up between the duo and it isn’t until Mimi discovers
that Elliot is almost engaged to another that she realizes she is
head-over-heels in love with him.
The journey
will make you laugh, cry and want to pull your hair out from frustration! Mimi
eventually learns that she is quite remarkable in her own right and never
needed to worry that she lived in her sister’s shadows.
Reinvention of Mimi Finnegan is the perfect laugh-out-loud, feel good book for
any woman who has ever felt that she wasn’t good enough.
Elliot pushes his chair out and stands. His eyes slide up
and down the length of my body and he smirks as he raises his left eyebrow in a
supercilious question mark. I have no idea what that’s all about so I simply
extend my hand and smile, “It’s very nice to meet you Elliot.”
Instead of extending me the same courtesy, he tilts his
head to the side, nods it once and declares, “Indeed.” Like, “Indeed, you
should be happy to meet me.”
Well that settles it. I don’t care if he was well over
six-two or his slightly receding strawberry blonde hair is the most gorgeous
color ever or I find him immensely attractive. He’s ruined it for himself. I am
not going to marry Elliot Fielding.
I rush to lower my extended hand back to my side, where
it obviously belongs, when at the last moment he chooses to take it. I try to
pull away as if to indicate he has had his chance and the offer is now
withdrawn. I’m so peeved by his arrogance that I yank my fingers from his,
setting into motion a domino effect I’m sure Renée will later claim ruined
Camille’s party.
Elliot bends at the waist and gently touches his lips to
my reluctant appendage in what I’m sure he assumes is a display of superior
English manners, yet my whole body responds in an angry shudder. How dare he
think he can “indeed” me and then put his mouth on my person. I yank my hand
back, upsetting my very delicate balance, at the same time Elliot takes the
hint and
releases me. He does not
attempt to aid me in any way as I fall backwards, straight into the pool.
Purchase the book at:
“12 Things About Whitney Dineen”
1. I’m
a giant! Seriously, I’m 6’1”.
2. I’m
87% vegetarian. If bacon was a vegetable, I’d be 92% vegetarian.
3. I
was a plus-size model for over 20 years, working in Chicago, New York and Los
4. My
hair has been going gray since I was 24 years old. I’m currently 46 and have no
idea how old I’d look in my natural state. Probably close to 72.
5. I
make cookies and candies for a celebrity clientele in Los Angeles. I’m doing my
damndest to beef them up a bit.
6. I
wore kilts, glasses and braids in high school. That’s right, I was HOT (not.)
7. I
had my daughters when I was 40 and 42. WILD ride!
8. I’ve
become an organic gardener in pursuit of feeding my family the best quality
food that I can. Of course, we also have free range chickens and we harvest
their poop for the gardens. I talk about manure WAY more than most.
9. French
fries are my weakness. I lurve them!
10.I’ve been married for 24 years. At this point, I nearly have
him broken in.
11.I have watched every Doris Day movie multiple times. I don’t
care if Rock preferred men, he’s “IT!”
“12 Things About Mimi Finnegan”
1. I
am one of four sisters. We’re all a year a part, talk about drama.
2. I
have a bunion. There, I’ve said it. Her name is Edith Bunker.
3. The
last man that propositioned me (before this book) had a bratwurst in his pants.
4. My
last serious relationship broke up with me to marry his distant cousin.
5. I
am a proud member of Weight Watchers. I am trying to lose ten pounds so Edith
Bunker will hit the road.
6. My
car has been known to drive to Burger City without my knowledge. Yes, I’m in
the car. It just has a mind of its own. I would trade it in but I’m too loyal
for that.
7. I
refused to watch Sex and the
City when it first came out.
I used to think it was about a bunch floozies banging their way into
spinsterhood. How wrong I was! It’s my favorite television show, EVER.
8. My
mother feeds the fairies in the backyard her homemade soda bread. So, I’m from
sane people.
9. I
used to have a huge identity crisis. So I reinvented myself and watch out, I’m
on fire!
10.I am in the midst of a pretty crazy love triangle.
Who would have thought?
11.I have an insecurity complex as far as my family is
concerned. Try having a supermodel, a professional tennis player and a Rhodes
Scholar for sisters.
12.I have never
successfully high-protein dieted. Hand me the French fries, please.
About the
While attending the University of Illinois in
Chicago, Whitney Dineen was discovered by a local modeling agent and began an
unexpected career as a plus-size Ford model. She modeled in New York City
before moving to Los Angeles with her husband.
When she wasn’t modeling, she was in the kitchen,
baking delights to share with friends. Soon, her friends began asking her to
send baskets of her wonderful candies and cookies to business associates,
agents and production studios. Word spread like wildfire, and the rest, as they
say, is history. Whitney’s sensational creations are still in great demand by
her loyal celebrity clientele (
During “The Hollywood Years,” Whitney
was bitten by the writing bug and started creating characters that are
inspired by strong women with a great sense of humor.
In addition to her love of chick-lit, Whitney has
also written a series of adventure books for middle readers. The first of
which, Wilhelmina and the Willamette Wig Factory, is nearing
Whitney and her husband, Jimmy, have recently
relocated to the beautiful Pacific Northwest to raise their children, chickens
and organic vegetables.
Connect with Whitney at:
Whitney is giving 2 lucky winners a print copy of
The Reinvention of Mimi Finnegan
US Only please