Friday, March 6, 2015

The OMG Test - 12 Things About Pippa Franks & Giveaway

Like Jane Austen's Emma, Olivia Daly can't resist the urge to meddle, but her Bridget Jones touch means things usually go awry. 

Shop manager Olivia's well-intentioned interfering stems from a fear of change. When friends talk of leaving, she quakes in her stilettos (or sensible work shoes). These shoes must stay a step ahead to prevent this from happening. 

Commitment is not at the top of Olivia's 'To Do List'. However, four friends with learning difficulties, dubbed 'Olivia's Misunderstood Gang' (OMG), think otherwise. They devise a test for potential boyfriend/husband candidates. Olivia approves of the test, with the intention of using it to find ideal - and more importantly, - local matches for best friends Jasmine, Melissa and Sebastian. 

When enigmatic shop-fitter Connor gate-crashes her life and heart, Olivia conscientiously puts him through The OMG Test, 'for anyone who may be interested,' refusing to admit how she feels. 

As the test progresses, Connor passes each aspect with flying colours.Yet he does appear to be hiding something. But unless it's a wife and kids, does it warrant a fail? After all, there's no such thing as the perfect man…even women aren't perfect all the time...

Purchase the book at:

“12 Things About Pippa Franks”

1.    My real name is Cheryl Henderson, but I’m writing as Pippa Franks in memory of my mum.
2.    It’s taken almost ten years to write and publish ‘The OMG Test’. Life got in the way, but it’s amazing because book two will follow soon after, and hopefully book three by the end of the year.
3.    I’m fifty this year! Scary! But it’s not all bad because I’m happier than I’ve been for a long time.
4.    I’d given up on finding someone I could spend the rest of my life with, but I got married last year. It was a perfect day…except for my sister’s bridesmaid dress giving way just before the service!
5.    From every sale of ‘The OMG Test’ I’m giving a percentage to the charity, Dogs Trust. The book cover will be changing to feature their logo, and also the rescue dog from the book, who is based on my own rescue dog.
6.    I have an obsession for clip in hair extensions. Once, my sister and brother-in-law saw what they thought was a dead rat in the street. On closer inspection they saw it was a hair extension. They both said they bet it was mine and showed me it. They were right, the rat lookalike was reunited with my head!
7.    I’m interested in the paranormal. My second book, due out soon, is paranormal and was great fun to write. I once got pushed by a ghost!
8.    My eyes water constantly. My neighbors probably think I’m being abused. Either that, or they think I’m the most miserable person they’ve ever seen.
9.    One New Year’s eve, I was dancing to live music in a huge room full of people. The lights went up and I was informed by one of the band that my dress was tucked into my knickers. I wanted to leave. My friend said she hoped I wasn’t going to spoil her night!
10.I used to do drugs talks at schools with a policeman. (I’ve never taken drugs and was happy to help in trying to put school kids off doing it). We had a script and I was made up to look like a drug addict. Looking in the mirror was scary. At one school, my old teacher tapped me on the shoulder and said it was good to see me. I wasn’t amused that he recognized me, let me tell you!
11.I’ve cried loads recently. Like when my ‘proper’ book arrived in the post, when it went live on amazon, when I had the first sale. You get the picture. It’s got to the point now where if I’m crying when my husband gets home, he thinks something really good has happened.
12.I’m going to start the Insanity workout soon. I must be insane. I know this, because I did it last year and it was hell. But it works. I’m having nightmares about hearing that voice screeching, ‘c’mon y’all, let’s gooooooo.’

About the Author:
Pippa Franks was born in the pretty seaside town of Whitby, North Yorkshire in England. It's famous for connections with Captain Cook, Bram Stoker's Dracula and the best fish & chips!

She now lives in Warwickshire with her husband and rescue dog, Bailey.

Pippa started writing 'The OMG Test,' around ten years ago, then life got in the way. 10% of author profits will go to Dogs Trust. Her own rescue dog is on the cover. He's not impressed at being known as Buddy in the book as his name is Bailey!
Pippa is delighted to be able to introduce the characters to you at last.
She enjoys travelling, reading and of course writing. Her second book will follow shortly.

Pippa loves chocolate, wine and the sun in no particular order. But if pushed the vino may just take the edge.

Connect with the author at:

Pippa is giving away four print copies of
The OMG Test
US/Canada/UK Only