Thursday, March 12, 2015

Jump, Jive and Wail - 12 Things About Kathryn & a Giveaway

Kaitlin Reynolds is used to fearlessly flying off mountains. But nearly two years after a devastating injury has ended her ski jumping career, Kaitlin is still struggling to put one foot in front of the other and find her new life. A chance meeting with a handsome stranger begins to put life into perspective. Dashing figure skater, Declan McLoughlin has just returned from the Olympics amid a swirl of publicity and fanfare. Just as Kaitlin begins to have hope again, her charming savior turns out to represent everything she has lost. If Kaitlin can just let go of the past and take a leap of faith, will she find herself soaring into Declan's arms?

Purchase the book at:

“12 Things About Kathryn”

1.     I'm partially OCD. I say partially because my house is a mess, but there are certain things that cause me significant anxiety, like low batteries on cell phones and my sheets being a mess.
2.    My favorite color is green. I have green shirts and tops in almost every shade of green. Sometimes I have to force myself not to buy more green.
3.    I'm a cat person. I put up with dogs, but can't imagine not having a cat. I've pretty much had one since I was about five.
4.    I cannot drive a stick shift. When my husband and I first got married, his car was a 5-speed. He tried to teach me to drive it. Shortly thereafter, we traded it in for a different car in the interest of making it to our first anniversary.
5.    I've never had a blond hair on my head that wasn't the direct result of peroxide, so it boggles my mind that I have two blond-haired children (although my son is starting to go darker).
6.    Despite pasty white skin, freckles, and green eyes, I'm as much Cuban as I am Irish.
7.     I have a condition known as Bilateral Brachiodactyly, Type D. It's a fancy way of saying I have toe thumbs (my thumbs literally look like toes). It is a source of endless amusement for friends and family when I forget and give a 'thumbs up.' However, it makes my job as a physical therapist easier. They are also known as "murderer's thumbs" so be nice to me about them...
8.    I like to sew and make my kids' Halloween costumes every year, as well as Christmas pajamas. This year, I'm going all out and making my daughter's First Communion Dress. She picked out fabric with glitter on it. I think she's trying to kill me. (See #1. Glitter is something I'm OCD about)
9.    Before writing a list like this, I always have a moment of panic that I will not be able to think of 12 things to tell you.
10. On my bucket list of animals to see in the wild: penguins, moose, whales.
11.  I brainstorm and plot my books while trying to fall asleep at night. I don't outline and wait for brilliant ideas to hit me.
12. I've been dancing since I was five. I'm not that great, but it makes me feel good and I love the fact that, at the age of 39, I'm still dancing en pointe.

Author Bio:
Telling stories of resilient women, Kathryn Biel hails from upstate New York and is a spouse and mother of two wonderful and energetic kids. In between being Chief Home Officer and Director of Child Development of the Biel household, she works as a school-based physical therapist. She attended Boston University and received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from The Sage Colleges. After years of writing countless letters of medical necessity for wheelchairs, finding increasingly creative ways to encourage the government and insurance companies to fund her clients' needs, and writing entertaining annual Christmas letters, she decided to take a shot at writing the kind of novel that she likes to read. Her musings and rants can be found on her personal blog, Biel Blather. She is the author of Good Intentions(2013), Hold Her Down (2014), I'm Still Here (2014), Jump, Jive, and Wail (2015), and Fly Robin Fly, a short story (part of Cupid on the Loose: A Valentine's Anthology 2015).

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Jump, Jive and Wail
A Jump, Jive and Wail notebook and pen!