Southern talk show host and former pageant queen
Annabelle Harper certainly knows a thing or two about romance. She is, in fact
the local authority on love in Tuscaloosa Alabama as the host of her own radio
talk show for the lovelorn: Saved By The Belle. With nearly 50
happy couples to her credit, no one could argue with her success. Annie has
never been wrong about the heart of a person. Strange thing is, she can’t seem
to get past five dates before the dreaded break-up in her own
That is until a new guy pops into town—and a
Yankee at that! Sparks fly between Annie and Matt Brubaker – the mysterious
stranger who has more than love on his mind. His interests
are focused on developing a new company in Tuscaloosa. But his new business
will put Annie’s best friend out of business, and place Annie
smack dab in the middle of a hot southern mess!
Now Annie must choose -- the passion she feels
for Matt and the love she has for her long-time friend. The conflict
reaches a boiling point and puts her in the middle of a major city-wide
protest, with Annie at the microphone. Will she betray her BFF and fall in love
with the wrong man? Or like the true southern belle that she is, will she keep
guarding her best friends back till the bitter end—even if it means losing what
could finally be the love of her life
Beth Albright is at her sassy best with this new
Southern page-turner, filled with the Beth Albright brand we have come to
love—Sexy romance, comedy and a shot of mystery. Think Steel Magnolias meets
Sex In The City—this ride is passionate, sexy and full of love – both the
romantic kind and the kind for the women who always have each other’s backside
covered in a crisis. Grab your best girlfriends and hang on for this sassy
southern beach read!
Purchase the
book at:
“12 Things About Beth Albright”
I started my
soap opera career as a day player on The Young And The Restless. My very first
scene ever as a paid actress I played a student in college. (I was in my late
twenties—yes I was proud of that.) As many know—I am what I like to call a
“chubbette”—a fancy word for round. I have always been a bit of a
chubbette—even when I was younger, I was a size 10 back then I thought I was
nearly anorexic since I could see my ribs if I sucked in really hard—nearly
turning myself blue. Hollywood however still saw me as—round—er. I girdled myself into a full
corsette, for this scene—wanting to make sure I was as impressive as I could
be, and tied myself in as tight as the girdle would allow. My boob however had other plans. Just as the director yelled action—I walked around the corner and
into the camera’s view when all of a sudden my left breast sprang for sweet
freedom. And she was out. The girdle had snapped. Thank heavens my boob was
still in my dress, just hanging down to my waistline while the right breast was
still perked up high around my chin. Quick thinking saved me—I swung the
armload of books I was carrying over my drooping left side and hid my escaped
girl behind the prop. Whew!
I played the drums in my high-school marching
band—I was the only girl in the entire drum-line. That was the plan. Ahem…
I was a
radio-talk show host for 15 years before I ever became a writer. I interviewed
a ton of celebrities! Mostly though, I loved chatting for hours with my
audience about life.
interviewed Oprah in the late 80s. It took me forever to book her on my
Birmingham Alabama radio show. About six months later I was in LA—doing that
fabulous scene on The Young And The Restless I just described above. I went to
dinner at the famous restaurant SPAGO. I saw a bunch of paparazzi outside, then
found out Oprah was inside! I went all fan-girl and asked for the maître D to
ask her for her autograph for me. Oprah then found out it was me and—get
this—she asked my husband and me to join her at her table for desserts. I
nearly DIED. I was so nervous! She was so cool and lovely and paid for our
dinner—we just had dessert first. With her! That moment still takes my breath
I have been
to two presidential inaugurations: George Bush Sr. where we saw Joan Rivers—and
she had her tiny dog with her tucked under her leopard overcoat. And we saw
Arnold Schwartzenegger too! We also were lucky enough to get rare tickets to
the Obama inauguration. We were literally on the lawn of the Capitol! Me, my
husband and my son, freezing in single digit temps, but it was an unbelievable
moment in history we will never ever forget.
My only
child, my wonderful son who is graduating college this weekend, was a
nationally ranked pairs figure-skater for the USFSA. That is where I began
writing—sitting in a frozen ice-rink for six hours a day.
My husband
and I met in New York City interning in the broadcast field. We were both
assignment desk interns for CNN New York. At the time it was located in the
World Trade Center. I received my first real hug from him where I knew I would
marry this man standing in the Lobby of Trade Tower Two—the first tower to fall
on 9-11.
I was raised
by a single mother after my father died in a car accident when I was four years
old. My brother was only two. My mother was a widow with two babies at 25 years
old. My brother and I both graduated with college scholarships. My mother is my
rock—and my role model for life. And the Sassiest Belle I know.
I was the
Deep South District Champion in Student congress two years in a row in high
school. I was on the Speech and Debate team, competing in humorous and dramatic
interp, Student Congress, and debate. I love public speaking to this day!
10.I was a principal character on
the soap DAYS OF OUR LIVES in the early 90s. I still missed my radio show where
I could just chat with my audience.
11.I had a stroke when I had my
child so I only had one baby. One wonderful son. All the doctors I saw said—if
you become pregnant again, please don’t come to me! I was warned it could have
been much worse. My mom convinced me that my son needed a mother more than a
sibling so I didn’t attempt having another baby—though I would have loved a
house full of kiddos!
12.I owned a children’s theater and
an acting school for seven years in a suburb of Houston, Texas. It was called
Acting Up! We produced the all children’s productions and held summer camp—my
life was covered up with funny, creative kids for many years—and I thought it
such a blessing since I had only had one child. My son had constant friends and
fun at the school all day long. We both miss that life profoundly to this day.
13.We are currently living in the San
Francisco area. At the end of this month, we will be moving back to LA. I have
lived there three times previously. I have been married for 30 years at the end
of July. This next move will be our 30th address in 30 years of
marriage. Either I am crazy—or crazy about the man I married to continue to
follow him everywhere. Maybe a little of both!
Meet Beth Albright:
Beth Albright is a Tuscaloosa native, former Days Of Our Lives
actress, and former radio and TV talk show host. She is a graduate of the
University Of Alabama School of Journalism. She is also a screenwriter,
voice-over artist, wife of her college sweetheart, Ted and mother of her
favorite person on earth, her brilliant handsome son, Brooks. A perpetually
homesick Southern Belle and a major Alabama Crimson Tide fan, she splits her
time between Los Angeles and, of course, Tuscaloosa.
Beth loves to connect with her readers.
Beth is giving 3 lucky winners a signed copy of her new book
Daydreams in Dixie along with some sassy gifts!
Open Internationally!