Friday, March 3, 2017

The Typewriter's Tale - Pub Week Giveaway

‘Live all you can; it’s a mistake not to.'

This is the maxim of celebrated author Henry James and one which his typist Frieda Wroth tries to live up to. Despite her admiration for the great author, Frieda is marginalised and under-valued, lost between the faceless servants and the chattering guests.

The arrival of the hypnotic Morton Fullerton brings Frieda into sudden focus. As she is drawn into his confidence she finds herself at the centre of an intrigue every bit as engrossing as the novels she types. Her loyalties tested, Frieda must choose between anonymity in the presence of a literary master and an uncertain love with a man she barely knows

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About the author:
Michiel Heyns grew up all over South Africa – Thaba Nchu, Kimberley, Grahamstown, Cape Town - and was educated at the Universities of Stellenbosch and Cambridge. For much of his adult life he was an academic, lecturing in English at the University of Stellenbosch, but after publication of his first novel, The Children’s Day, he took to writing full-time.

Connect with the author at:

St. Martin’s Press is giving one lucky winner
A print copy of The Typewriter’s Tale