Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Crazy on Board - Review & Giveaway

Review by Deb Czajkowski

In general, genres follow a predictable pattern.  Read a mystery novel and you can expect a dead body and the ensuing search for “whodunit.”  A romance starts by introducing this woman and this man, and then you follow their myriad ups and downs until the end of the book and the beginning of their happily-ever-after.  Pick a subject any subject (Wine-making? PCs? Playing Bridge? Travel?), and there’s a “for Dummies” book to explain it to you. 

Is there a genre for Throwing Yourself Under the Bus?  What about cross categories like Autobiography with Tell-All?  Author Heather Davis qualifies for all of that with her book Crazy on Board TMI Mom Rides Again. 

Crazy on Board is a compilation of “if it can go wrong” stories from her childhood as well her now married-with-children life.  If we all sat down and tried to think of a funny or embarrassing story from our past (or maybe yesterday), we could probably come up with one.  Maybe you can recall a family trip that involved a wrong turn and the subsequent misadventure.  Or maybe yours is the crazy uncle who snored so loudly after Thanksgiving dinner that…. Or the funny aunt who…

Now that I have you laughing out loud at funny family follies, pick up Crazy on Board and keep laughing.  Will this book solve any mysteries? Well, no, not the dead body kind at least.  Will there be a happily-ever-after?  Well, everyone does come through each story safely in the end, so does that count?  Okay, no, it’s not a romance.  Will I learn a new skill?  If you mean like sewing or bee keeping or writing poetry, then no.

But you will learn that everyone has a story. Some have enough stories to fill a book.  Stories that teach you that we all have some crazy in there somewhere, and laughing is often the best way to get through it.  Or perhaps the best way to remember it?  This is Heather Davis’s Crazy on Board.  If you need a few smiles to brighten your life right now, to help you remember that we all do goofy things now and then, or you just feel like something fun to read, pick up Crazy and get “on Board.”

Purchase the book at:

About the Author:
Heather Davis shares the hilarity that is her life at As a full-time, work-outside-the-home momma (she teaches middle school English & colors her hair regularly), she and The Dad attempt to parent two bold, no-holds-barred daughters. Fortunately, she’s learned the trick to keeping her toilets clean, her daughters bathed and her husband satisfied in bed (and not just on Saturday nights!). The trick is this: Ignore it all, drink lots of sangria, and enjoy the ride! Recently, Heather was chosen as a cast member for the National show Listen To Your Mother - Northwest Arkansas. She’s also regular and welcomes Twitter-stalkers (MinivanMomma2). She invites you to laugh with her or at her.

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Crazy on Board (TMI Rides Again) by Heather Davis