Tuesday, January 31, 2017

On Second Thought - Pub Day Review & Giveaway

Review by Deb Czajkowski
Ainsley O’Leary, sometimes mistakenly called Annie, Amy, Abby, Allie, met Eric when she was nineteen and they were both in college.  For the past eleven years (and counting!) they’ve been building a life together, and now, finally, Ainsley finds her heart’s desire─ the ring of her dreams─hidden in Eric’s sock drawer.  So, yes, the question constantly on her mind is: On which day will Eric pop the Big Question?  Perhaps this isn’t the question she should be asking?

Kate O’Leary is single and a successful photographer. For years, dating (i.e., trying to find her perfect match) has been her second career.  After just celebrating her thirty-ninth birthday, Kate decides to have just one career─photography. And then she meets─ and marries!─ Nathan. Kate is blissfully married to Nathan ….for exactly one hundred and two days.  Oh, what a difference a day─just one day─can make!

Nathan Coburn is the beloved son and brother in the wealthy Coburn family and a very successful architect in his own right.  He couldn’t have constructed a better scenario for himself than meeting and marrying Kate.  And then the unforeseen happens.  No one saw this day coming.

Eric “Cancer Chronicles” Fisher has just beaten testicular cancer─apparently the best kind of cancer to get for its survival rates.  Blogging about his journey─in way too much detail and with great liberties taken regarding the facts─is giving Eric notoriety. To what lengths will Eric go to extend his day in the sun? Could he do the unthinkable? Could he publicly break up with the woman who has stood by him for eleven years, the woman who nursed him through cancer? And could he blog about it?

Jonathan Kent is the publisher of the Hudson Lifestyle magazine and Ainsley’s boss.  At the office, his nicknames are, to his face, Mr. Kent (indicative of his formal demeanor) and, behind his back, Clark (as in ever-in-control Clark Kent).  But spend a few days with him outside the office, and you might just be calling him Mr. Darcy!

Daniel Breton is the name he gives when introducing himself.  Anyone else introducing him calls him Danny the Hot Firefighter.  One day─or perhaps more accurately, one night─is about to change his life. 

Author Kristan Higgins intriguingly illustrates that a day can make a difference in each of the lives of her captivating cast in on second thought. Days are tricky that way.  One day can be ordinary, another is extraordinary.  One day life is normal, mundane even.  And the next day the extraordinary hits.  The good extraordinary: amazing, stunning, incredible.  And then there’s the unbelievable, unusual, memorable extraordinary days─days you wish you could forget but instead your life will forever be changed by that one extraordinary day. 

Each of Higgins’ characters in on second thought is ordinary and extraordinary, in other words, human. They all have events that have shaped their lives, shaped the person each has become, guiding them forward in life’s journey.  And the author wonderfully unfolds the stories of these unforgettable characters.  I found on second thought to be enthralling, starting from page one, and the pages that followed did not disappoint. 

 Turn your day into an extraordinary day with a copy of Higgins’ latest hit.  Don’t give it a second thought; do it today!

Purchase the book at:

About the author:
New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author and two-time winner of the Romance Writers of America RITA® Award, Kristan lives with her family in a small Connecticut town that boasts a wonderful library, a great agricultural fair, a really good ice-cream stand and not much else. She is the mother of two lovely kids and the wife of a brave firefighter who is also (perhaps more important) a fantastic cook. 

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Little Bird Publicity is giving one lucky winner
A print copy of On Second Thought by Kristan Higgans