Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Return to You - Excerpt and Giveaway

She will never forget their past...

He can't stop thinking about their future...

James Montgomery has achieved everything he'd hoped for in life...except marrying the girl of his dreams. After a terrible accident, Selena Ainsley left ten years ago. She took his heart with her and she's never coming back. But it's becoming harder and harder for him to forget their precious time together, and James can't help but wonder what he would do if they could ever meet again.

It was near midnight and Selena’s eyes felt heavy. With her head resting on James’s shoulder, she tried to focus on the ending of The Philadelphia Story. Back when they were dating, they used to enjoy watching classic movies, and finding one on the television seemed like the perfect way for them to relax after such an emotional evening.

James looked over at Selena and smiled to himself. If he could freeze this moment in time, he would. For years he had wondered if he’d ever find a woman he could come home to, with whom he could sit like this and simply relax. The woman half-asleep beside him was the only woman he wanted to fit that bill. The credits were beginning to roll, and he gently nudged her with his shoulder. “Hey,” he said softly, “are you still awake?”

“Mmm…barely,” she whispered and then yawned. As much as Selena knew that the bed would be a far more comfortable place to sleep, she didn’t want to leave the security of James’s side. She jumped when he shifted beside her to stand up. A wave of panic hit her as she prayed that he wasn’t getting up to leave. Before she could even voice her concern, James turned off the television and then scooped her up into his arms. “Oh!”

“Don’t get me wrong. I was completely enjoying being curled up with you on the sofa, but I had a feeling your neck was going to kill you tomorrow.” He walked through to the bedroom and carefully held her close as he pulled back the comforter and gently placed Selena down. Without a word, he walked back out to the living room and locked the door and turned out the lights before returning to her.

He didn’t ask permission.

She didn’t extend an invitation.

Neither seemed necessary.

Purchase the book at:

About the Author:
New York Times and USA Today Bestseller/contemporary romance writer Samantha Chase released her debut novel, Jordan's Return, in November 2011. Although she waited until she was in her 40's to publish for the first time, writing has been a lifelong passion. Her motivation to take that step was her students: teaching creative writing to elementary age students all the way up through high school and encouraging those students to follow their writing dreams gave Samantha the confidence to take that step as well.

When she's not working on a new story, she spends her time reading contemporary romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.

Connect with the author at:
Website * Facebook * Twitter * Goodreads

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Including two contemporary romance novels
A Coach tote and other fun goodies!


  1. I really don't know if I would ever want to reunite with anyone from my past. Maybe my ex-husband because we have remained good friends after our divorce. But I know it wouldn't work out. We couldn't live together.

  2. I would reconnect with an ex of mine, as friends only if he could handle it because I've also had a bit of guilt at how I left things behind.

  3. I married very young my husband is my true love so no one to reunite with,

  4. I can't think of anyone I would want to reunite with.

  5. For me I say, Move forward....no looking back!

  6. i would return to where i grew up and reunite with all my childhood friends

  7. It would be nice to return to the town I grew up in to reunite with old friends; however, as for romance, I am perfectly content.

  8. Don't get me wrong - I am happily married - however there is someone from college that I wouldn't mind catching up with - kind of fell off the face of the earth after my wedding and just never sure why.

  9. I am happy where I am right now in my life and would love go back -- I only look forward

  10. My high school boyfriend - he's the one who got away.

  11. I can't think of anyone I'd like to reunite with. I've pretty much lived in my hometown my whole life.

  12. I never left my hometown and have always loved my first love

  13. I had a bit of a flirtation with a T.A. in university but since he was MY T.A. it couldn't go anywhere. I'd like to see him again now that I'm not a student.

  14. Not sure really maybe a friend

  15. There really isn't anyone that I would reunite with. I know that is boring, lol, but it is truthful!
