Saturday, July 12, 2014

Best Seller - Review & Giveaway

 Review by Darcie Czajkowski

Nineteen-year-old Robin Fortune returns to her hometown in New England after getting kicked out of college for dealing pot. She has little interest in returning home even more so given that her father hasn’t spoken to her since he paid her fine to the court. But the bigger problem is that she wants to be in college and feels like she doesn't fit in back home.

At least her all-time favorite author, Maryana Capture, is scheduled to pay a visit to Robin's little town. That’s something to look forward to. Maybe, just maybe, Maryana will be able to provide Robin with guidance for getting the novel she secretly wrote published. Or maybe Maryana will put in a good word for Robin with her own publisher. Yes, that will be a good way to escape this sleepy town.

In the meantime, as Robin awaits the big day, she works as a waitress in a diner for a grumpy Greek man and reconnects with a friend from high school who turns into her boyfriend. One day blends into the next, like a single day on repeat. Robin feels like nothing will ever be the way it was: that beloved time when she was happy in school, pursuing her dreams.

The day of Maryana Capture’s book signing finally arrives, but the event doesn’t unfold like Robin thought it would. But why should that surprise her? Nothing about her return has been simple and Robin wonders if her dreams died on the day she was forced off her college campus and if it’s time to let it all go and move on. For good.

This is Martha Reynolds’ best story yet. I don’t typically gravitate toward books set in the 1970s, at the time of the American Bicentennial, but Martha’s smooth and eloquent story-telling always pulls me in and I become invested in the characters and their relatable struggles. Fact: I read this book in two days. It was that good. So when you buy this book, I recommend starting it on a Friday night. I wouldn’t want you to suffer the consequences of missing work because you have to know how the story ends.

Purchase the book at:

About the Author:
Martha Reynolds ended an accomplished career as a fraud investigator and began writing full time in 2011. She is the author of five novels, including the award-winning Chocolate for Breakfast (her debut novel), Chocolate Fondue, Bittersweet Chocolate, and the Amazon #1 bestseller Bits of Broken Glass. Best Seller is her latest release. Her essays have appeared in Magnificat magazine.

She and her husband live in Rhode Island, never far from the ocean.

Connect with the author at:

Martha is graciously giving away 2 e-copies of Best Seller!!!


  1. This sounds great. I added it to my must read list.

  2. I also read Bestseller in 2 days. I enjoyed it very much.
