Review by Marlene Engel
With a husband, two young children and a job that makes her crazed,
Abbey’s life is hectic at best. When she
makes a frivolous purchase for a bag that is way out of her budget, thoughts of
bills that need to be paid guilts her into returning the bag. On her way back to the store she falls, only
to wake up in another life. A life where
she is not struggling financially, she’s married to wealthy Alex van Holt and
living in the lap of luxury.
We have always wondered “what if”.
What if we dated that guy? What
if we took that job? What if we did
(fill in the blank)? This book takes us
on a journey of Abbey’s “what if’s”. How
would her life differ if she had accepted a date from Alex van Holt all those
years ago? And would money really cure all
of her problems?
This is a light, fun read. I
would definitely describe this book as an escape novel. Much of it is predictable, but a book worth
reading none-the-less.
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About the Author:
Author Leigh Himes has spent fourteen years working in
the public relations field. Born and raised in Greensboro, North Carolina, she
now lives just outside of Philadelphia with her husband and their two children.
This is her first book.
Connect with the author at:
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