Milan’s life is falling apart. Not only has her longtime lover abruptly dumped
her, but her eccentric, demanding mother has recently died. When an urn of
ashes arrives, along with a note reminding Che of a half-forgotten promise to
take her mother to Canterbury, Che finds herself reluctantly undertaking a
Within days she joins a group of women who are walking the sixty miles from
London to the shrine of Becket in Canterbury Cathedral, reputed to be the site
of miracles. In the best Chaucer tradition, the women swap stories as they
walk, each vying to see who can best describe true love. Che, who is a
perfectionist and workaholic, loses her cell phone at the first stop and is
forced to slow down and really notice the world around her, perhaps for the
first time in years.
Through her adventures along the trail, Che finds herself opening up to new
possibilities in life and discovers that the miracles of Canterbury can take
surprising forms.
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12 Things About Kim
1. My dad was an antique dealer and, thanks to
him, I got the travel bug early. I used
to go into bookstores in foreign cities and look at the translations of
American writers, dreaming that someday my books would be among them. The most exciting part of publication for me
has always been the international rights sales, and the thought that somebody
in Prague or Seoul or Sydney might be reading the books I've written!
2. The love of my life is my nutty little dog,
Thad. He's a rescue, so I don't know
anything about his background or even how old he is, but he is a bundle of
energy. He went on the southern leg of
my book tour with me last year and, since they're pet friendly, we stayed in an
endless series of La Quintas. All the hotels look sort of alike, and we were
switching to a new one every night, so by the end of the week I was wandering
the halls, trying to remember where my room was!
3. I have a phobia about large statues. I can't stand to look at the Statue of
4. I'm kind of a reality tv junkie, especially
when it comes to cooking competitions. I
love Chopped and my latest obsession is The Great British Baking Show. It inspired me to buy my first springboard
pan...but so far I haven't used it. Cake
baking is almost as scary as the Statue of Liberty.
5. Mornings are my best times for focus. I try to write 1000 words really early every
day, when I'm fresh. And then I finish
my coffee, meditate, stretch, and walk Thad.
After that, even if the rest of the day falls apart - as it sometimes
does - at least I know I have my thousand words.
6. I am a competitive ballroom dancer. I took it up as a hobby seven years ago and
my dance studio was the inspiration for my second novel, The Unexpected Waltz. Tango is my favorite dance.
7. I'm an only child and my own two kids will
tell you that I have NO tolerance for sibling fights. When they would argue as kids, it would drive
me nuts. I don't get it. Why would two people come to blows over half
a candy bar?
8. If I could be fluent in any language, I'd choose
Italian. I love the way it sounds.
9. My son is a wine importer and my daughter is
a writer who specializes in historical fiction.
And my granddaugher Martha, who is almost two, is the most brilliant,
beautiful baby ever!
10. One of the benefits of being a writer is that
you can slop around the house all day in yoga pants - or no pants at all. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to
the park or the grocery and looked down to find my shirt buttoned wrong or even
inside out. I think the neighbors
suspect I'm crazy.
11. My main advice to writers is: Meet other writers. Go to conferences and workshops, connect
through social media, join a critique group, whatever it takes. In my experience the writing community is
extremely supportive and you need other writers to bounce ideas off and for
networking once you get within the publishing community. It's a strange and insular little world and
no one should try to navigate it alone.
12. To research The Canterbury Sisters, I
actually walked the Canterbury Trail, from London to Canterbury Cathedral. It's a broken trail, that goes across
highways and private land, so I hired a guide, a wonderful woman named Jane
Martin from Tours of the Realm travel.
She found me sustained pieces of the route and inns to stay in along the
way. This "research" (aka
"this incredibly fun trip") gave me lots of detail for the novel.
About the Author:
Wright is the author of Love in Mid Air and The Unexpected Waltz and has been
writing about travel, food, and wine for more than twenty years for many
magazines, including Wine Spectator, Self, Travel & Leisure, and Vogue. She has twice
won the Lowell Thomas Award for travel writing. The Canterbury
Sisters is her
third novel, and she also ballroom dances competitively. Kim lives in
Charlotte, North Carolina.
Connect with the author
The Canterbury Sisters by
Kim Wright
US Only